Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

The F-Factor Fiber Diet

Ditch those fad diets, lose weight and keep it off permananently. This book was just discussed on the View today and it is a sane and best way to eat. The emphasis is on eating high-fiber, filling foods and not worrying about carbs, fats or calories.

See the Amazon reviews for The F-Factor Diet.

See a list of ten high fiber foods here.

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Lady Gaga's Diet

Lady Gaga has just explained her diet to The Daily Telegraph. She says;

"I'm on a very strict healthy pop star diet. I don't eat bread, just vegetables and salad and fish. Eating like that is much better for me anyway but on Sundays I sometimes eat pasta."

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Jennifer Aniston Lost 30 Pounds in Her 20's

Jennifer Aniston just celebrated her 41st birthday, in a bikini in Mexico looking very lean and toned. But it's not a well-known story that when she was in her early 20's and trying to land good acting roles in Hollywood, her agent suggested she lose some weight. She went ahead and lost a reported 30 pounds. See the story about this here.

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Let's Move Videos

First Lady Michelle Obama has started a nationwide campaign against childhood obesity. One out of every three American kids is either overweight or obese.

Here is one of the several motivational videos you will find at the offical Let's Move website.